5.48 Acres on Ray Road Near Anderson Creek Property ID Number: 010504 0180, 010514 0025, 010514 0024, 010504 0179, 0105040178
PRICE: $795,000 Acreage: 5.48 • Zoning: RA-20M Rural Agricultural • Frontage: 203 • Traffic_count: 10500 • Broker: Deno Hondros Tel: 910-802-0076 Legal description: 1.16 AC E H GODFREY
Excellent site near Anderson Creek on Ray Road. Signal light intersection with Ray Road, Highgrove Drive and McKay Drive. Just a couple 100 yards away from Overhills Schools (opposite side of Ray Road). Site is currently rural agricultural; however, with its location at the lighted intersection on Ray Road, the site is well positioned for commercial development. This site consists of six parcels that make up approximately 5.48 Acres (to be verified by buyer. no boundary survey in file). Parcels included are as follows: Pin# 010504 0180 (+/-1.14 Acs) 010514 0025 (+/-1.17 Acs) 010514 0024 (+/-2.08 Acs) 010504 0179 (+/-0.70 Acs) 010504 0179.01(+/-0.04 Acs) 010504 0178 (+/-0.35 Acs)
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